Trivia Answers

- Dana had a flock of chickens (RI Reds, to be precise) on his property.
- When folks annoyed Dan he told them to "Go bite a rock."
- Stu had two beagles.
- When Sean McDonough filled in for Dana on ATM, he was teased about mentioning this car dealership constantly.
- Kim spent one of her summer vacations sailing with the all-male crew of a Norwegian vessel.
- The movie was The Ox-Bow Incident. The crucial lynching scene was left out.
- The town of Reading.
- Dan claimed he was Willie Whistle as a joke. (Willie was actually played by a gentleman named Dick Beech.) For years letters came into the station asking if this was really true.
- Carla stood behind Stu attempting to salute.
- Dan was always said to be in "high level meetings." They always joked that he was off playing golf.
- Preview, a show featuring upcoming motion pictures. It did badly in the ratings and was quickly cancelled.
- Dana appeared at the end of an episode of Robert Urich's series Spencer: for Hire as the host of a fictitious Massachusetts lottery drawing. (He had once hosted an actual lottery show in Connecticut.)
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